Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Long Awaited Trip and New Workout

Nana and Grampy are finally coming. We are ecstatic. And I will be excercising my new driving privilages by taking Gramp to Barnes and Noble in Orem. I got a 95%! Which is good enough for me. If only I could sufficiently park uphill. Oh, well, you can't be perfect at everything. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WINNIE! I can't believe she's already two. Also, I have just bought this product called P90X that I am starting next week. I am still a bit apprehensive because they are intense workouts, but that is why I'm blogging about it. It will leave me no choice but to suck it up and actually get off the couch with my free time.

1 comment:

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

I remember driving Grampy around Twin Falls the summer I got my license. Ah, the memories! Winnie says thanks for the shout-out! The girls are so excited to go to Disneyland, Winnie is in love with Wall-E so she's planning on laying a big one on him! Give Nana and Gramp hugs from us and good luck with the new workout. I just signed up at the YMCA and did a weight training class last week. I couldn't move for 3 days so, you know, I'm pretty skilled at working out!