Friday, September 5, 2008

Driving Miss Crazy

It's finally happening. I am planning on getting my drivers license. Two years too late. Rest assured that it is not due to my lack of safe driving, but my ongoing talent for procrastination. Monday is the test, and as long as I can back out all right, everything will go according to plan. Backing up 100 feet has been somewhat of a hassle because I'm only 4'11''. On a side note Happy BIrthday Grampy on the 1st!!!

1 comment:

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

You can do it! When I took my driving test, you could make 7 mistakes and still get your license. I think I made 8, but my coach/driving instructor, knew another 6 weeks in the car with me behind the wheel would lead to his demise, so he passed me. I've gotten much better, I promise! I did, however, get 100% on the written test, so in theory, I was the best driver ever! You will love having the freedom to drive yourself places!