Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cultures Meet

I am excited to inform you all that we are hosting an exchange student. Her name is Jiabao Peng and she is from China. She lives in Ghangzhou, so she speaks Cantonese. We picked her up on the 15th of August and can already tell she is very intelligent. We are working on our speaking skills since there is a small language barrier. I am thoroughly impressed at her patient nature, and think she will be a great addition to the family. She met Ellie, our dog, today. She has never seen such a big dog and was very hesitant at first. They are quickly becoming good friends. She can write English very well, but speaking is tricky. She is 17 and has studied the English language for 10 years. We all love her caring and quiet spirit and are anxious to start this adventure!

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